Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Convert a Digital Cable to Analog

How To Convert a Digital Cable to Analog

How To Convert a Digital Cable to Analog

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:26 PM PDT

On February of 2009, major television networks were required by law to stop broadcasting of analog signals in favor of digital broadcasting. With the transition from analog to digital broadcasting, consumers now have a big question in mind: do I need a new TV set in order to watch television after the digital conversion? No, you actually do not need to purchase a new television set in order to continue watching, all you have to do is convert the digital signal into analog so that you can continue watching your favorite shows. The following explains how you will be able to convert digital cable TV signals so you can watch it on your analog television set.

1.    Get your hands on a digital television converter box.

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How To Password Protect Folders in VISTA

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:25 PM PDT

Protecting folders in Vista with passwords is a smart move to increase data security. This is especially true if you share your Windows Vista computer with other people. Adding passwords to folders in Vista can be done through the use of the archiving and data compression software application WinRAR. Follow these steps to easily password protect folders in Vista.

Create a new folder to contain the files you want to password protect.
Navigate to an empty space in your Vista desktop and right click on your mouse. From the menu that pops up, select New from the list. Afterwards, highlight and click the item Folder from the cascading menu. Assign a name to this new folder and press Enter on your keyboard.

Put the files into the newly created folder.
Now, locate all of the files you want to protect with a password and transfer these to the new folder.

Launch the program WinRAR.

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How To Connect Mac to PC on a Local Network

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:21 PM PDT

Some people think that if you use two OS platforms (example, Microsoft Windows & Mac OS platforms) for two or more computers, it would be difficult to connect them into a network. There is a way for you to connect a Mac computer to a Local Network that has computers which mainly uses Windows and the following lists the steps on how to do it.

Obtain an extra RJ-45 or Ethernet cable.
You will need this to bridge the Mac computer to the router.

Plug the Ethernet cable to your Mac.
When you have securely connected the Ethernet cable to the port, plug the other end of the cable to the router.

Turn both Mac and Windows PC.

Pull up the "System Properties" dialogue box in order to learn the name of the network the Windows system is running on.

The following lists several ways on how you will be able to launch the System Properties dialogue box.

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How To Connect 2 Computers with a Hub

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:19 PM PDT

Networking two computers with a hub will enable you to share resources such as Internet connection, printers and data. You may think that this hard to do, especially for novice computer users but the process is actually pretty straightforward. The following lists the steps on how you can connect two computers using a hub.

Make sure both computers have a functioning Network Interface Card (NIC).
Most computers come with a LAN adapter but if yours did not come with one, you can easily obtain it from a local computer parts store. These network cards are what will enable your computers to communicate and connect to a network.

Get your hands on two Ethernet cables.

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How To Convert Forms to Regular Documents in Microsoft Word

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:16 PM PDT

When creating forms in Microsoft Word, you will notice that the fields created and allotted for the inputs will default as form fields. Having form fields such as drop down or check box form fields in a Word document means that there are fixed formats that cannot be made ineffective unless they are removed. To make the predetermined format ineffective, the forms have to be converted to regular documents in Microsoft Word. Here's how:

1. Launch Microsoft Word from your personal computer.
Turn your computer on and click on the green Start button. From the menu that pops up on the screen, hover the mouse pointer to the item All Programs. From the cascading list, select the program Microsoft Word by clicking on it once. If you have previously set a shortcut for Microsoft Word, then simply double click on its desktop icon to launch it on your PC.

2. Look for the Microsoft Word document that requires conversion.

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How To Conduct an Advanced Internet Search

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:13 PM PDT

Worldwide information is available at your disposal through the Internet. However, there are thousands, even millions, of results generated whenever you search for information using any search engine. It can be frustrating and time-consuming to browse through all the results you were given. In this article, we will give you tips on how to conduct an advanced Internet search.

Use specific search terms as much as possible.
Using specific terms when searching for information on the Internet will help narrow down the results. Typically, search engines will ignore commonly used words such as 'a', 'the' and 'for', so don't bother too much to include them in your search phrases. Some exceptions will be made though, like when you search for 'The Killers' for the band, the article 'the' will be included in the search.

Use words that will most likely appear on the page you are looking for.

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How To Configure SMTPs

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 06:10 PM PDT

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the standard used for emails when using an IP network to send and receive email messages. If the SMTP setting on your computer is not correct, email messages are not going to be sent to the mail server and your message will not be relayed to its intended recipient. To prevent this from happening, the following lists the steps that you need to do in order to configure SMTP settings on your computer.

Pull up Control Panel.
There are several ways that you can use in order to accomplish this and here are the basic two.

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How To Prepare Your Face for Natural Makeup

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:48 PM PDT

When people see you walking down the street, do they stop, turn, and stare…then walk away snickering? Uh-oh, this might mean either of two things:

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How To Prepare Your Company for an IPO

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:43 PM PDT

Do you have the cash and the cache to go public? Will your business survive in case you decide to go public? Can you negate publicity when your stocks fall short? How will you react if a major IPO player wrestles the company you built from scratch out of your hands? In truth, are you ready for your company to be up on the boards for an IPO?

Such leading questions will reveal if you have the guts and the glory to put your company up for an IPO.

If you are ready to have your company publicly listed, here's how to prepare for it.

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How To Create Folders in Mozilla Thunderbird

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:42 PM PDT

Mozilla has been consistently contributing innovative programs to the Internet. One of its highly regarded programs is Mozilla Thunderbird, which is designed to provide free and open-source emailing. It is readily available for common operating systems like Windows and Linux. It has gradually gained acceptance because of the software flaws and security issues plaguing its counterpart, Microsoft's Outlook Express.

Thunderbird is user-friendly. You don't have to go through complicated steps to organize your emails in specific folders. Take your pick from among these simple tips.

1.    Create folders according to your preference. Gain control over the frenzied world of your daily inbox. Here's how.

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How To Create an Operations Business Plan

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:39 PM PDT

Creating an operations business plan is vital when proposing a new venture, monitoring existing operations, and proposing a new business to an investor. The business plan will focus on the actual operations procedures and workflow of the business. It tackles and answers how the whole idea will work out. All logistical information and processes including financial liabilities will be the main meat of any operations business plan. These will all be presented in the plan through narratives, charts, graphs, and flowcharts. Since this is a very important part of planning, you should know how to create the most effective operations business plan if you want to get the ball rolling and ensure success.

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How To Create an Online Career Portfolio for Free

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:38 PM PDT

Job hunting has reached new heights with the inception of online resumes and career portfolios. Since most business have accepted and upgraded their process to include the Internet as a medium in hiring new talent, creating an online career portfolio is a great way to present yourself and your skills. This alleviates you from sending resumes on paper to companies looking to hire people. At the same time, it frees the HR department of any business from collecting tons of resumes. If you are want to provide samples of your skills and previous work, your educational background, and other information about yourself to your prospective employer, all you have to do is give them the website address to your online career portfolio and they will be able to peruse it to see if you qualify for the position. Whether you are looking for permanent or freelance work, creating an online career portfolio is the way to go.

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How To Prepare Paper Bills for Processing

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:36 PM PDT

Using an online payment system is the fastest and easiest way for most people to pay their bills on time. It takes away the hassle of looking the bill over and writing a check for each and every account. Some people even opt for automatic payments so that most of their bills can automatically be deducted from their debit cards or automatically paid through their credit cards. As most people are too busy and occupied and always in a hurry, they find this method of payment advantageous to them.

However, a majority of Americans are still used to the old method of paying their bills. They still want to receive their monthly bills and prepare a check for each of them and send the payment through the mail. If you belong to this majority, here are some tips to prepare your paper bills for processing of your payment.

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How To Prepare Hair Relaxer Neutralizer

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:34 PM PDT

Today, a lot of women and even men are opting for very straight hair that looks neat and clean. But not all people are born with straight hair. Some have a slight wave, and some are extremely curly and kinky, like African-American hair. Almost everyone now can have straight hair. Hair grooming product manufacturers have come up with several formulations to straighten different types of wavy and curly hair.

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How To Prepare for the First Stages of Childbirth

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:32 PM PDT

Pregnancy is wonderful and exciting. Having a child makes a woman feel complete. She has attained the very reason for her being a woman. But pregnancy can also bring anxiety and dread to the mother as the delivery date comes closer. Delivering a baby is very hard work; it is exhausting, painful and it can be scary. To ease your worries, you should be prepared for the first stages of childbirth. If you know what you need to do, then it will lessen the tension that you feel and makes you focus on delivering your baby safely into this world. Read on.

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How To Prepare for a Meeting

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:29 PM PDT

Have you ever attended a meeting that instead of resolving something hasn't resolved anything? Worse, some of these meetings add more issues to be resolved. The problem with these meetings is the preparation. Maybe someone called for a meeting without even the need of having a meeting. Or maybe someone set up a meeting to finish within a particular time yet it finished far beyond the set time.

Never make the same mistakes again by following these simple meeting preparation tips:

Make sure it's worth having a meeting for. Why are you planning to call for a meeting, anyway? Is it something that everyone should be informed about? If yes, then maybe a newsletter is better than having a meeting. But if you need to talk with people and get their opinion, then it surely needs to be in a meeting.

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How To Prepare for a Bridal Fitting

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:28 PM PDT

After choosing the perfect wedding gown, fitting it is one of the many steps that you should not miss. Professional wedding coordinators disclose that at least two fittings should be scheduled. It could be held right at the bridal store. Or, if you have contracted a seamstress, you could have the fitting in her shop. Fittings are necessary in order to adjust the measurements and implement the alterations. Your wedding day could easily be ruined by any mishap you failed to attend to during your fitting sessions. Here are some reminders to make your bridal fitting hassle-free:

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How To Prepare Your Dog for a Blizzard

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:25 PM PDT

No matter how thick your dog's fur is, it won't protect him from a blizzard, so include him in your preparation when a blizzard is clearly on the horizon.

Here's how to prepare your dog for a blizzard.

Take her inside the house. Your dog should never be left outside even when she her own cage or doghouse. This is no only inappropriate but inhumane as well. If her cage fits into your home (it will), bring this inside the house and let her stay inside it if you like for as long as her cage is warm and dry with a warm blanket to boot.

Prepare her first aid kit. Even dogs need a first ad kit filled with gauze, alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, cotton, tape, hydrocortisone, eye drops, scissors, silver nitrate, rectal thermometer, oral syringes, vitamins, oral re-hydration salts, and ice pack. Pack in some gloves for your use when you need to administer something to your dog.

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How To Create Effective Work Habits

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:24 PM PDT

One of the best goals to have is to create effective work habits, and your interest in wanting to find out how to achieve this is a major positive step already. So if you want to be more effective at work, here are some tips to help you out:

1.    Have proper motivation. With most resolutions, a major deciding factor to your success is a healthy motivation. It's best that you have a good and constructive reason that will truly push you to succeed. And your motivation shouldn't be about what others think, or about "proving yourself" to others. Try to be motivated instead to be the best person that you could be.

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How To Prepare Your Child for Marriage

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:23 PM PDT

"It is not good for man to be alone." These are God's words as revealed in the scripture, and then He proceeded to create Eve for Adam to be his partner and helper. Now of course, Eve was Adam's partner and helper only for a short blissful time in the Garden of Eden before everything went downhill when she offered the forbidden fruit to him. Adam probably literally felt how it was to be sucker punched by a woman he'd just met, which should warn you as parents to prepare your child when he wants to get married to a woman he's known for a short time.

Prepare your child for the idea and the reality of marriage by considering these suggestions.

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How To Create Controversy for Media Attention

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:20 PM PDT

Hungry for some attention? The world is indeed getting smaller, what with technology such as cellphones, digital cameras, computers and the Internet being available to the average person. With this, virtually (no pun intended) everybody has the potential of becoming an instant celebrity. And if you're really hungry for attention you could stir up controversy so that people will talk about you. But here's the deal: first of all, you have to be famous before people will care about the controversy that you stir up. That, or your controversy must be really, really spectacular (but in this case they will care just about your controversy, not about you). Whichever path you decide to take, here are some suggestions to help you out: 

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How To Prepare Your Body for Becoming Pregnant

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:18 PM PDT

You just don't decide to get pregnant then buy sexy lingerie for a night of sex. That isn't how it works because it happens that sex alone won't get you pregnant. There are a lot of factors coming into play if your goal is to deliver a healthy baby nine years down the road. Yes, you read it right, NINE years. That's how long it sometimes takes for a couple to finally get pregnant. However, if you're healthy, you can get pregnant now and just have to wait nine months to give birth. The key is preparing your body for it.

Here's how to prepare your body for becoming pregnant.

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How To Create an Exotic Centerpiece for Your Wedding

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 05:15 PM PDT

The centerpiece for your wedding will be one of the most noticeable decorations for your ceremony. With a carefully chosen and carefully constructed centerpiece, the bulk of the decorating job will have been done. For a special and exotic wedding, here's how you can create an exotic centerpiece.

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How To Prepare for College Math

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 02:26 PM PDT

Preparing for college is scary and rather intimidating, and among the things you have to be prepared for is college level math. If you were already overwhelmed by your high school math classes, get ready for more work as soon as you hit your freshmen year.

You may try to avoid taking more math classes by signing up for a major in the arts or something that doesn't require a lot of math. However, it just can't be avoided. Part of the core curriculum is still at least a few units or at least one or two math subjects for your entire college life.

Here's how to prepare for college math.

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How To Prepare to Perform Mountain Bike Stunts

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 02:25 PM PDT

There is a different sense of euphoria when you ride a mountain bike. An even greater sense of euphoria happens when you can perform mountain bike stunts. But however fun it is, bike stunting is a tremendously dangerous thing to do. This is why loads of preparation has to be put in place before you do mountain bike stunts. Following are some of the preparations you need to make.

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