Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Parent Without Punishments

How To Parent Without Punishments

How To Parent Without Punishments

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:10 PM PDT

Parenting often comes with a lot of stressful situations where you feel there is no recourse than to punish your children. They're young, after all, and they are prone to commit mistakes. Most parents would focus on addressing the wrongs of their child, and would give out punishments depending on the severity of the mistake. You are probably familiar with several punishments, like grounding, taking away of some privileges (like telephone, video games and TV), and the like.

There are several reasons why physical punishment is being frowned upon. Primarily, this is thought to breed aggression in children, who are taught to believe that physical violence is a way to resolve conflicts. This attitude lives on until the child grows, and he, in turn, will be likely to use the same physical forms of discipline on his children, therefore perpetuating the cycle.

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How To Control Hiccups

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:08 PM PDT

Hiccups are caused by sudden movements by the diaphragm (the muscle that controls the contraction and expansion of the lungs), causing you to suddenly inhale and make a high-pitched sound when air is cut off. There are different causes of hiccups, which may include digestive disorders, respiratory infections, laryngitis, or use of anesthesia. This could also be caused by more practical reasons, such as over-intake of alcohol, smoking, and consumption of spicy food.

Hiccups are often addressed by simple remedies and breath control. Even medical professionals agree that hiccups are a bit of a medical anomaly, since there is no single cause, and there is no definite cure.

Here are a few ways of controlling your hiccups.

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How To Control Litterbox Odor

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:07 PM PDT

Cats are, by nature, clean creatures. They clean up after themselves, and they groom themselves regularly. However, living in a domestic environment, they still need managing. For instance, cat owners train their pets to use the litterbox for waste. Cats would then bury their droppings and urine under the litter. However, left unmanaged, this would often result in bad odors spreading throughout your house.

Here are some tips in managing litterbox odor. This would require a little ingenuity, a little discipline and an understanding of cat behavior.

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How To Tune Your Acoustic Guitar

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:05 PM PDT

You know how to play a guitar but you just don't know how to manually tune it. This is a common thing among beginners and amateur guitarists. Basically, the professional guitarist uses a device in tuning their guitars, while the others just use their magic ears or rather, their active listening skills. As a matter of fact, tuning the guitar is quite difficult if you don't know how to differentiate the tones of each string and how to manage the pitch of the tones. Tuning the guitar is a very important thing to learn, especially if you really want to get serious and be professional in the music world. Here are some common steps in how to tune your acoustic guitar. Note that guitar strings are numbered from the highest pitch (first string) to the lowest pitch (sixth).

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How To Collect Pyrex

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:03 PM PDT

Pyrex glassware is not only a standard kitchen item in the United States, but these items are also decorative collector's items in the home. Collecting Pyrex glassware is relatively affordable and easy to do, with your only worry being how to maintain their condition while in your care. Not only do these kitchen items are good for displays and decorations, they can also still be practically used for cooking and baking your favorite food. Follow the instructions given below to start your collection.

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How To Manage Money after Job Loss

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:02 PM PDT

Being in-between jobs is a moment in your life that could either be relaxing (because you badly need a break) or disheartening (because you have no choice).

Either way, you're still out of a job and waiting to get into a new one. In the meantime, how do you manage your money or what few dollars you have left? What other choice do you have except to cut back on expenses and wait until the next pay check?

The following ideas and suggestions might be helpful in managing money after losing a job.

Go job hunting. While you have all the time in the world, go job-hunting and tag another jobless friend along. You have to look for other opportunities while you still have money. Make sure you maximize these opportunities and look for jobs that you know are stable and jobs where you see yourself staying for a long time.

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How To Manage Family Finances

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Family life comes with many responsibilities. There's kitchen duty, laundry duty, cleaning duty and a whole lot more. One of the hardest of these duties is the one wherein you are assigned the job of budgeting the finances.

Handling money might prove to be the hardest and the most stressful of responsibilities in a family. There are a lot of things you can do to make this an easy task. Here are some tips and suggestions in order to learn the best way of managing family finances.

To start with, you will need the following:

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How To Colon Cleanse with Safe Results

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:59 PM PDT

Colon cleansers have been out in the market for health buffs who want to achieve that feeling of being less bloated and clean inside and out. Colon cleansing also removes toxins and wastes from the body. This promotes a healthier feeling and overall well-being.

A lot of people have been going through colon cleanse processes but the question is this: is it really safe to do this? Is it really a better option than doing it the natural way? Even now, it's still a big question mark in medical institutions if colon cleansing really is safe.

However, in order to fully decide, it is important to first know what the facts are. Read the following ideas that could help you.

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How To Control Garden Pests Naturally

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:42 PM PDT

Your garden can be a source of inspiration and joy, especially with flowers blooming in season. The mix and match of colors can accentuate any lawn or back yard. Some homes even grow their own produce, such as fruits and vegetables. Taking care of produce in your own backyard can be very rewarding and rejuvenating.

However, having plants at home will be one sure way to attract garden pests. While commercial pesticides are often cheap and easy to apply, these might be harmful to your plants, and could also be harmful to your health, especially if you have kids. Natural pest control is one of the better ways to deal with these pests. It's usually an ongoing battle, but with the right tools and the right knowledge, you can win it.

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How To Cover Up Acne

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:40 PM PDT

You wake up in the morning and a big red zit greets you when you face the mirror. It can be something to scream about. During those years when your hormones are on overdrive, acne can be a big problem. And even through adulthood, you might get a few pimples here and there. It can be due to stress, an oily and sugary diet, and pollution.

The best course of action would be to let the zit run its course, and to keep your face clean. It will usually dry by itself in about three to five days. However, if you have places to go and people to meet, having a big red zit isn't exactly something you want to be remembered for.

Fortunately, you have a few means to cover up your acne. Depending on where that zit is situated, you have several options, such as changing your hairstyle, using makeup, and using accessories.

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How To Cover Swingset Chains

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:37 PM PDT

Outdoor play is a big part of childhood. Who doesn't recall spending lazy summer afternoons splashing in the pool, running in the yard or swinging at the park? If you have a swingset in your front or backyard, then consider yourself lucky. Your kids have a nice, safe place to play in.

However, as with anything made of metal and wood, swing sets carry some inherent danger in them. Children will always find ways of doing daredevil stunts, like swinging while standing up, or jumping out of the swing while in motion. These problems can be avoided altogether with parental warnings and some common sense on the part of your kids. There is still the danger of your kids (or even you) having your fingers, arms or hands pinched in between the swingset chains. This potential hazard is serious, considering you can get an infection from the wound, or even have fingers cut off altogether.

One good way to minimize the hazard is by covering the swingset chains.

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How To Parent a Middle Schooler

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:34 PM PDT

Middle school is usually a turning point in your child's life. He is no longer a little kid. Yet, he is still not quite a teenager. Therefore, it's an awkward stage where your child feels like an in-betweener, and not really belonging to one group or another. As a parent, you will have to provide a positive environment for your middle schooler, where you can guide him through these years to become a mature young individual.

Be a role model. The best way to teach your child anything is by example. Lead by example. Show your child the right way to act in certain situations. You're the adult here, so you are expected to know the right thing to do. Your child may not necessarily want to do what you do when they grow up, but they will likely want to model you, especially if they know you are a sensible, reasonable adult.

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How To Cover a Scar

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:32 PM PDT

Scars are unsightly reminders of past wounds. These can be caused by bumps and falls during one's childhood. These might also be a result of surgery or operations. Whatever the origin, scars can be embarrassing, especially if they are keloidal. This embarrassment often results in self-confidence problems.

People with pronounced scars will often avoid being seen in public especially in situations where the scar will be visible. For instance, in a beach or swimming pool setting, wearing a swimsuit can be particularly revealing.

Modern plastic surgery has come up with breakthroughs in covering up scars. These are expensive treatments, though, and there is no 100% assurance that a scar will be completely healed without side effects. You can use several remedies to cover scars, though, with clothing and makeup.


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How To Manage Spasms

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:30 PM PDT

Spasms are sudden involuntary contractions of muscles or a group of muscles due to a sudden burst of energy. Muscle spasms are very painful especially if you are engaged in extensive physical activity. It results in the inflammation of a muscle when it is overstretched or torn. According to doctors, some people have no option but to go to the hospital because of this problem. In fact, spasms can be a serious injury, especially if you do not give it any medical attention. It may result in severe pain in your lower back and make it difficult for you to move.

The lower back is a common place for muscle spasms to occur, but a spasm can still occur in any part of the body. In order to get rid of this injury, here are some tips to manage your muscle spasm.

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How To Cope When a Parent has a Stroke

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:28 PM PDT

A stroke can be an incapacitating and debilitating condition. While this often affects seniors and the elderly, a stroke can happen to anyone at any age, given the right circumstances. It can even happen to a person in the prime of his life. Sometimes, it could happen to one of your parents. If you happen to have young siblings (or perhaps you're still living with your folks, yourself), then a stroke can take a toll on your family life.

Here are a few ways to cope when a parent has a stroke.

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How To Collect Sap from Sugar Maple Trees

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:26 PM PDT

Maple syrup, made from the sap of sugar maple trees, is a sweetener that is often eaten with pastries such as pancakes, French toast, and waffles for that extra sugary taste. Collecting sap is fairly simple and moderately easy to do. So whether you are collecting sap and turning it to maple syrup for income, for family activity, or just to make your own batch of the stuff, just follow the instructions given below.

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How To Cope After a Loved One has Committed Suicide

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:24 PM PDT

The death of a loved one is sure to be devastating to the people left behind. This is even worse if the person dies by his own hands. There will always be feelings of guilt and blame. There will be what if questions, in which the bereaved will ask oneself if there might have been something that could've been done to prevent the suicide.

As with any experience of someone close to you dying, you will expect to feel various strong emotions, including shock, confusion, anger, despair, and guilt. This will sometimes be mixed with other actions like denial, bargaining and even disbelief. Acceptance might be far from your mind, especially if the death of your loved one is recent.

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How To Collect on a Bad Check

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:23 PM PDT

Receiving a bad check can be a setback to your financial situation for either your business or your well-being. Not only will you fail to receive the money on time, but you may also be charged a fee from your bank to sign extra paperwork concerning the bounced check. Collecting money on a bad check can be difficult, but fortunately there are methods you can use to get it.

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How To Convert Bi-Weekly or Hourly Pay into Monthly Pay

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:22 PM PDT

Employees and employers have different ways of reckoning compensation. The most usual means of measuring how much you earn would be your annual salary. In a year you would earn a certain basic salary, plus bonuses, which will give you your annual salary. However, if you are working hourly shifts, and you are being paid by the hour, you need to know how much you earn in a month. Same goes if you are being paid bi-weekly.

Expenses are counted by the month, after all. These include the rent, utilities, and even your budget for grocery shopping and food. Therefore, if you are budgeting then it makes sense to convert your bi-weekly or hourly pay into a monthly amount.

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How To Manage Hostile Employees

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:20 PM PDT

Having hostile employees in your office definitely is a barrier to productivity. They create tension, stress and problems among the staff, which often results in poor performance by everyone else, as well. What do you do with such employees? How can you prevent them from affecting other people and your entire workforce?

It's going to be difficult and it's not going to be done overnight, but here are a few ideas that could help you manage hostile employees:

Document incidents. For every incident that the employee has created or has been involved in that caused problems in the workplace, make sure you have a written report and comments and observations from other people that were there when the incident occurred. It is important that before you confront that employee, you have all the evidence and proof that will support the fact that he indeed was in the wrong. Make sure that these are all documented and included in the employee's file.

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How To Convert 35mm Negatives to Digital

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:19 PM PDT

The advent of digital photography has brought about exciting changes in how people use their cameras and share photos. Gone are the days you had to rush to the photo shop or pharmacy to have your film developed, which you would often have to wait at least an hour for. Now you just have to plug in your digital camera to your computer's USB port, and you can download photos with ease. If you have a memory card reader, then picture transfer is a breeze.

You might have 35mm negatives from your younger days, though. While these can be easily developed into prints, sometimes you might want to transfer these directly into digital format. Some photographers also hold out on digital, and still prefer the grain, texture and technical aspects of film photography. Others, like those into Lomography, would still be using film. Transferring these flim formats directly into digital format can help save time and money.

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How To Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 03:45 PM PDT

The topic of money and finances is one of those things that couples often argue about in a relationship, most especially if the couple is married. Sharing your finances through combining bank accounts is one of the ways to secure your financial safety. Doing so would only hurt your pride a bit, but it would help you and your spouse manage funds better in the long term. Follow the instructions given below to combine your money by having joint bank accounts, so you would not have to worry too much about financial problems.

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How To Control, Treat and Prevent Acne

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 03:43 PM PDT

Acne is often regarded as a rite of passage. Everyone goes through acne-filled years during adolescence. Acne is also the scourge of anyone suffering pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. These can be embarrassing, painful, and it sometimes carries social stigma. Acne usually disappears once a person's hormones have settled down, after puberty. However, sometimes this could extend into adulthood, and might pose more serious problems like scarring.

Acne can be controlled, treated and prevented, though, with adequate care, discipline, and some over-the counter remedies. Here are a few ways you can control, treat and prevent acne.

Ask your parents about their acne problems. Acne is usually hereditary. If your parents had serious bouts of acne in their youth, then you can probably expect the same. If this is the case, then you need to be more proactive with controlling acne.

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How To Control Portion Sizes When Losing Weight

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 03:40 PM PDT

Dietitians and nutritionists would usually recommend that you follow certain guidelines when eating. This usually consists of the food pyramid, which tells you how much of each type of food you need to eat to stay healthy.

For instance, fats and poultry are at the top of the pyramid, meaning you should eat little of these. Then there are the meats, fish and other protein, meaning you should have bigger portions. Then there are the carbohydrates, like rice, potatoes and grains. Then, there are the fruits and vegetables, which you can take as much as you can. The lower you go down the pyramid, the bigger your portions can be.

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How To Cope with a Depressed Family Member

Posted: 27 Mar 2010 03:39 PM PDT

Depression is a condition that can affect anyone at any age, and any time. It is often a mix of emotions brought about by certain situations, but it could also be brought about by deeper-rooted problems, like a mental illness. A depressed family member will almost always have an effect on the rest of the family. At the very least, a depressed family member can dampen the mood for everyone else. In more serious cases, depression might lead to conflicts among family members. In a worst case scenario, your depressed family member might do something drastic, like hurt someone, including himself.

Mild forms of depression can often be treated with therapy and counseling. More severe ones often require medication. If you have a depressed family member, here are a few ways to cope.

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