Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Cure/Prevent "Cradle Cap"

How To Cure/Prevent "Cradle Cap"

How To Cure/Prevent "Cradle Cap"

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:54 PM PDT

Cradle cap is a condition in infants and babies in which the scalp has red and sometimes scaly patches. Cradle cap can be likened to dandruff for babies. The scalp's sebaceous glands are basically working on overdrive, and produce too much oil. Cradle cap is not usually a serious condition, and is not really uncomfortable for your baby. Parents might be alarmed with the appearance of red patches and scaling on their baby's scalp, though.

Fortunately, cradle cap can usually be treated with frequent shampooing. A mild baby shampoo will usually do. You will usually have to wait for your baby's sebaceous glands to normalize in their oil production.  However, some parents like to help with treating the symptoms of cradle cap with the use of natural oils.

What you will need:

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How To Remotely Retrieve Answering Machine Messages

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:53 PM PDT

The main reason for someone to purchase and install an answering machine is to be able to receive and record phone messages at work or at home when no one is there. With the age of mobile technology, the answering machine has become somewhat obsolete since people can actually call you up regardless of where you are. However, it is still good idea to have an answering machine at home or at work in case the people calling you do not know your mobile number. If you are on the go a lot, you will want to be able to access your answering machine messages from anywhere. All you need is a phone and an access code and you should hear the voices of your callers.

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How To Cure Nausea and Upset Stomach

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:51 PM PDT

Nausea is often a result of motion. You might be riding in a plane, train or even a car, and you can get motion sickness. Most people will experience this due to a variety of factors, such as balance problems or a stomach upset. It can even be psycho-somatic, which means the nausea is caused by psychological factors.

Nausea and upset stomach can be treated in a variety of ways, and these can include home remedies, over-the-counter medicines and sometimes even plain willpower.

Find out the source. The first thing to do when curing your nausea and upset stomach is to find the source. These could be a result of various things, including travel, food allergies, lactose intolerance, alcohol, and even medication.

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How To Record Sound Playing on your Computer

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:50 PM PDT

Technological advancements in computer hardware and software grow at such a rapid pace. A few years back you could only record sound clips and audio with the use of a microphone and a tape recorder and then have different gadgets attached to your computer so that you will be able to play the sound on your computer. Now it is quite easy to record audio from your computer using free software called Audacity.

When you want to record your voice and sounds playing on your computer here are the steps.

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How To Cure Flea Bites

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:49 PM PDT

If you have pets at home, you will probably experience flea bites at one time or another. Flea bites can be very itchy and painful. If left untreated, they can be infected, and might even lead to scarring. Flea bites can be treated at the emergency room, but you can actually treat them yourself at home, either with medication or home remedies.

What you need:

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How To Customize a Letter of Business Closure

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:47 PM PDT

Every business owner wants to break even and profit from his enterprise. However, it's a fact that about 80% or more of businesses will fail in due time. At the very least, your business might not fail, but you might be moving on to other things and other endeavors. Serial entrepreneurs will know when to stop and when to start a new venture.

A letter of business closure is basically a note sent to clients, suppliers, associates, and other people and companies you are dealing with. The intent of the letter is to make all concerned aware of the fact that you are closing your business. Through the letter, you should also take the opportunity to thank them for their patronage and support throughout the run of your business. You will also need to inform them if they need to do anything as a result of your closure (they might have to claim items or receivables, settle payables, and the like.

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How To Cure Cryptic Tonsils

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:46 PM PDT

Tonsils are tissues situated at each side of the throat, and are part of the body's immune system. The tonsils filter debris and bacteria from the body through the nose and mouth. Tonsils can get infected and inflamed, though, which leads to a condition called tonsillitis. While tonsillitis will usually subside naturally or with the help of antibiotics, chronic tonsillitis can produce pockets in the tonsils, which can trap food and other debris. These pores are called crypts, and therefore the condition is called cryptic tonsils or cryptic tonsillitis.

Cryptic tonsillitis is not a serious condition, although it can be quite uncomfortable and unpleasant. In many cases, a cryptic tonsil would produce bad breath, because of the bacteria and food particles trapped within. In some cases, the debris form into tonsil "stones," which are called tonsilliths, mostly made up of trapped bacteria and food particles.

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How To Custom Finish Concrete

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:43 PM PDT

Stamped concrete is all the rage in construction projects these days. Instead of just leaving your concrete with a dull, grey and flat finish, you can do all sorts of things with stamping. You can simulate different finishes, such as stonework, concrete slats, bricks, and the like. However, don't limit yourself to stamping and painting the finish. You can use different tools and implements to make a custom finish on recently poured concrete.

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How To Cure Bee Stings

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:41 PM PDT

Springtime is coming. Picnics can be fun and enjoyable, especially if you're spending time with the family. One thing that's definitely not enjoyable is being stung by a bee. Bee stings are very painful, and the discomfort lasts long after you've been stung. What's worse is that they sometimes cause an allergic reaction, which can be very dangerous and even fatal.

First aid for bee stings will involve taking out the stinger and giving antihistamines, in case there is an allergic reaction. Here are things you should do when you or someone has been stung by a bee.

Move away from the area. Most bees will sting when they feel threatened. For example, if you disturb them while pollinating, or if you disturb their hive, they will attack. A bee that has just stung will send a signal for help, and so other bees might charge into the area. Get away as soon as you can, and find a safe spot to administer first aid.

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How To Curb Pregnancy Cravings

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:40 PM PDT

Pregnancy comes with many so-called symptoms. This is because a foreign body has essentially lodged itself into your body, and is growing from within. And so your body might be trying to adjust. This is also due to the swaying levels of hormones inside the body. Aside from nausea, morning sickness and bloating, you will also crave a lot of things.

You might have a hard time resisting these cravings. While it's not necessarily bad to crave foodstuffs, it becomes a difficulty if you suddenly crave for something in the middle of the night. It's not only difficult for you, but also for your spouse, as he might feel obliged to go out and buy you something, or at least get to the kitchen for a nightcap.

Pregnancy cravings can be curbed. Here are a few things you can do to keep pregnancy cravings at bay.

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How to Cure the Wedding Jitters

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:38 PM PDT

There's nothing worse than walking down the aisle and feeling like you want to back out. Having cold feet right before your wedding can really put you on the spot. After all, your wedding is one of the most important events of your life. Not only is it a significant event, but you will also be making a lifelong commitment to your significant other.

You might feel like the main character in Runaway Bride and speed off at the last moment. Or you could be in deep thinking one or two days before your wedding. Sometimes the pressure of having everything ready and just waiting for the actual vows to be said can be daunting.

Here are a few ways of curing the wedding jitters.

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How To Cure Ailments Through Urine Therapy

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:37 PM PDT

In alternative medicine, urine therapy involves the use of urine (usually one's own) to treat various kinds of ailments. This can either be through drinking of urine, or applying it externally to various parts of the body. While most people would think of urine as mostly containing the body's dirty and toxic wastes, practitioners of urine therapy would claim that urine actually contains by-products from the body that are actually full of helpful minerals.

Some ailments purported to be cured by urine therapy include psoriasis, eczema, hepatitis, hyperactivity, allergies, and the like. Here are a few ways you can use urine to cure ailments.

Taken internally

Urine is said to help enhance its drinker's immune system. Urine can also help cleanse one's intestines, and can fight against colds and flu.

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How To Cure a Fear of Bugs

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:35 PM PDT

A fear of bugs is a common phobia shared by children and adults alike. Sometimes, there will be no determinable root cause. In many cases, fear of bugs usually comes from an aversion to creepy crawlers. Most people don't like the feeling of having small legs running over one's skin. The thought of a sharp proboscis piercing your skin can even be scarier.

Most bugs are harmless, and are natural parts of the ecosystem. Without bugs like bees, beetles, spiders, and the like, the environment would become imbalanced. However, some bugs do bring sicknesses and disease, which is one reason humans dislike their presence.

The trouble lies when a simple aversion to bugs turns into a phobia. People who have such phobias might avoid getting out of the house altogether, for fear of flying insects landing on them. Insects can also haunt people in their nightmares. A simple sighting of a small spider or fly indoors might bring panic attacks.

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How To Cure Toenail Fungus with Lavender

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:33 PM PDT

Toenail fungus is an often embarrassing condition that results in disfiguration of the nails. This fungus can be present in both toe and finger nails, and can actually be harmful, because they feed on the material that makes up our nails—keratin. Toenail fungus is also contagious, and can be spread by the shared use of toenail clipping implements.

Toenail fungus can be cured with many over-the-counter or natural remedies that have antibacterial effects. One such natural remedy is lavender oil.

What you will need:

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How To Customize a Onesie

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:32 PM PDT

Babies and small children are a wonder to dress up. They can look cute on anything. Onesies or bodysuits are popular among babies, though, because they're easier to manage than an outfit with different pieces, especially with very active kids. One problem with baby clothes, though, is that they can be quite expensive as you will find yourself replacing these with bigger sizes every few months. Therefore, a good way to save up on your baby's outfits is by customizing them yourself.

There are various ways to customize a onesie. These will involve either ordering one with a custom design online, or customizing it yourself with decals or fabric paints.

Customized online orders

You can create a custom onesie by ordering one from these websites:

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How To Curl Hair with Foam Rollers

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:25 PM PDT

Using curlers on your hair will add body and volume. This is especially useful if you have limp, straight hair. Using a curling iron can be tough on your hair, and will result in damage in the long run. Using brush rollers is safer, but these can still be tough on hair. Foam curlers, on the other hand, are gentle on hair. If you sleep with curlers on, foam curlers are also softer. These can be ideal for use with children, as they don't sting the scalp while in bed.

There are different ways to curl your hair using foam rollers. You can go the direct route, just letting your hair curl while you sleep. Or, you can use hair products to help maintain body, if you intend to blow-dry for a quicker setting.

What you need:

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How To Cure Insomnia

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:23 PM PDT

You might have stayed up all night once in a while working on an academic paper or some report due at the office in the morning. Or, perhaps you're in the medical profession, and you sometimes spend 36-hour shifts. Usually, the body can take only so much sleeplessness, after which your immune levels and energy levels drop significantly. Imagine having this situation day after day everyday.

Insomnia affects about half of Americans at some point in their life. As a result of sleeplessness, persons with insomnia will suffer various effects, such as a weak immune system, lack of focus, sickliness, inattentiveness, and moodiness. This can give you a hard time at work, in school, or with your relationships with family members and other people.

Curing insomnia would first require that you know the type of insomnia you are suffering. These are as follows:

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How To Customize a Model Train Layout

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:21 PM PDT

Building train scenery can be a rewarding hobby. Whether you're into engineering, the arts, or if you're into trains, nothing can be as exciting as creating your very own masterpiece with your train set. Most train sets would come with the locomotive, rail cars and tracks. But wouldn't it be cool if you can also create the scenery that comes with railways?

Customizing your model train layout would involve some effort, in terms of making the scenery look like real life. You would need a great imagination, a lot of patience, and some of these tools, in order to make it work:

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How To Cure Dry Skin on Dogs

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:20 PM PDT

Dry skin is a common problem with dogs, especially if they spend a lot of time in the outdoors. Dry skin in dogs is also prevalent during cold winter weather, when even humans need extra moisturizing. Aside from dryness of skin, your dog will usually experience flaking and itching. He will usually scratch himself frequently, and this might result in bald spots, hot spots or even scrapes and cuts.

Curing dry skin in dogs will require you to watch several aspects of his routine: grooming, diet and activities.

Assess the reason behind dryness

Before you use any home remedy or even medicinal soaps, you will first need to asses whether your dog's dry skin is due to environmental factors and hygiene, or if it's due to other problems. Dry skin can result from allergies, fleas, and even bacterial infections. You will need to visit your veterinarian so you can rule out these more serious conditions.

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How To Cure Powdery Mildew on Rose Bushes

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:19 PM PDT

Rose bushes are nice to look at, but can be a challenge to take care of. One of the most common problems you will face when taking care of rose bushes is the formation of powdery mildew. This usually results from dampness on the flowers, buds or bushes during early evening. Powdery mildew will not necessarily kill your rose bushes, but it will result in smaller flowers.

Curing powdery mildew on rose bushes will involve pruning, washing, application of a vinegar solution, and making sure the mildew does not reappear. Here are a few things you will need:

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How To Cure Back Pain

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:44 PM PDT

Most people would experience back pain at some point in their lives. This could be due to several reasons. Some are mild, such as muscle strain or sprains resulting from carrying heavy loads. Some might be a result of slippage in bones or cartilage. In some cases, though, back pain is serious, which might have resulted from bone or nerve damage.

Whatever the reason behind back pain, it can be resolved through several means, depending on the source and severity.

Consider surgery as a last resort. Most people think that back pain can only be successfully addressed through surgery. However, this should only be your last resort. You can actually address back pain through various physical (mechanical) or medicinal means.

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How To Cure an Online Shopping Habit

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:42 PM PDT

Online shopping is a double-edged sword. It has provided an unprecedented leap in giving consumers the power of choice and convenience. However, it has resulted in a new breed of shopaholics. Some people just point, click and pay. It's so easy and convenient, and you can expect to receive the item in a few days' time. It's light on the effort, but if your online purchases accumulate, it will be heavy on the wallet—more specifically the credit card.

An online shopping habit can be difficult to curb, especially with many people being connected virtually anywhere. You might be working at your computer and you can have an impulse to buy something. You can even be riding on the train or walking down the street and you can shop online using your mobile phone.

An online shopping habit can be cured with a few simple solutions, though. Read on and find out how.

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How To Cure Dog Dandruff

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 02:12 PM PDT

Dandruff in dogs is similar to human dandruff. Your dog's skin flakes off, and these dead skin cells clump and manifest as dusty flakes on his fur. Treating dog dandruff is similar to treating human dandruff, although it involves different materials, since some medications meant for humans can be harmful to dogs.

Groom regularly. The best way to cure and prevent any problematic condition on your dog's fur is regular grooming. Wash your dog once or twice a week, and make sure your brush his fur thoroughly while drying. If there is any matted hair, brush these off or cut the fur if matting is extreme. Take care not to wash your dog too often, since over-frequent bathing can result in dry skin, which contributes to dog dandruff.

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How To Cure a Yeast Infection without Chemicals

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 02:11 PM PDT

Yeast infections, caused by microscopic fungi called Candida, can bring discomfort to both men and women (though more commonly in women). These infections can affect any area in the body, such as the vagina, lower abdomen, beneath skin folds, and even nail beds. Basically anywhere moist that the fungus can thrive can be a problem area.

Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable. These often result in an itchy and burning sensation. Yeast infections can be cured and treated through a variety of natural means. These remedies are even possible with ingredients or materials found at home.

Yogurt. Yogurt contains good bacteria that can help fight bad bacteria and yeast infections. Yogurt can both be eaten and used externally. Eat yogurt before meals. This will provide your stomach with enough good bacteria, and can help aid digestion.

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How To Curb Your Dog

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 02:09 PM PDT

Walking your dog everyday is healthy, both for you and your pet. You get much needed exercise, and he gets to stretch his legs too, which is useful if you live in cramped conditions at home. Most people would just walk their dogs and let them do their business in public without much ado. But did you know that in most states, it's illegal not to clean up after your dog?

Curbing your dog is basically cleaning up after them when they defecate. Seeing dog poop in the street is unsightly and very unsanitary. The ability to curb your dog after he does his business on the street is part of a responsible dog owner's tasks. After all, pet waste can contaminate urban soil and water supplies if left uncollected.

What you need:

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