Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Refurbish Worn Spots on Finished Hardwood Floors

How To Refurbish Worn Spots on Finished Hardwood Floors

How To Refurbish Worn Spots on Finished Hardwood Floors

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:13 PM PDT

Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. So goes a proverbial idiom. The same principle applies to hardwood floors. If your hardwood floor is only partly worn out, it would be ridiculous to refinish it entirely. Not only will a complete and comprehensive refurbishing take a long time; it will also cost you a hefty sum and a huge amount of labor (either yours or the hired professional's). In almost all cases, hardwood floors will require occasional refurbishing only in areas exposed to frequent and heavy traffic. This article will teach you how to refurbish worn spots on finished hardwood floors.

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How To Recognize the Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:10 PM PDT

Liver cancer can either be primary or secondary. Primary liver cancer is when malignant cells are locally formed in the liver. Secondary, on the other hand, is when cancer has metastasized from other parts of the body. Although the actual cause of liver cancer is still unknown, long-time alcohol drinking, liver cirrhosis, and smoking are considered risk factors. As with most cancer cases, the earlier liver cancer is diagnosed, the better it can be treated. The problem with liver cancer, however, is that the symptoms do not manifest until after the cancer is at an advanced stage. Nevertheless, the symptoms of liver cancer are easy to recognize.

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How To Recolor Tile

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Renovating kitchens or bathrooms is an arduous process. Aside from the overhaul of the fixtures, you will have to change the tiles to create a new look for the room. Porcelain may look clean when it's brand new, but after a long time, it may look old, worn out, dingy and just plain dirty. You may find it too expensive to have the entire thing removed and re-tiled, and it may be too time-consuming or expensive for your budget. A cheaper option is to do it yourself and recolor the tiles on your own. While this may not be as convenient, it will be a cheaper option for you. Here's how you can recolor the tiles in your kitchen and bathroom.

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How To Reduce Puffiness Around Your Eyes

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:07 PM PDT

Puffy eyes tend to make anybody look older and more tired, and treating this condition will go a long way towards improving your appearance. If you experience puffiness around your eyes, here are some ways to improve their appearance:  

Keep your skin hydrated. One of the main culprits for puffiness under the eyes is dehydration. Keep your skin healthy and supple by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Every time you drink coffee or soda, add two more glasses to your total.

Get enough sleep. Puffy eyes may be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep. Didn't you notice that every time you got less than adequate sleep, eye bags and eye circles form around your eyes? So make it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep daily, and your body – and eyes – will definitely thank you for it.

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How To Remove an Asphalt Driveway

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:06 PM PDT

An old asphalt driveway does not do much for your house. Cracks and tears can make your house look older. Yet having it removed can cost you a fortune. The good news is that you can try to do the removing of the asphalt driveway by yourself so that you will not have to hire extra help. All you have to do is to follow the steps that are provided below and you will be able to get rid of your old asphalt driveway.

Here are the steps on how you can remove an asphalt driveway by yourself:

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How To Remove Burrs from a Long-Haired Pet

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:03 PM PDT

Burrs are twigs, fruits or seeds that can stick to your pet's hair while playing around the forest or in the garden. These twigs can get buried deep into the fur and can poke or disturb your pet. The best thing to do is to clean up your pet every time your pet spends time playing around the bushes and near trees. You can easily remove the burrs on the hair of your pet by following just a few instructions.

Here are the steps on how you can remove burrs from your long-haired pet:

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How To Refinish a Metal Swing Set

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:02 PM PDT

Swing sets are still among the most popular playground pieces. Plenty of parents install metal swing sets in their backyard so that children can enjoy the summer breeze or relax after a long day at school. Even adults can enjoy a metal swing set, which is usually strong enough to hold the weight of a full-grown person. Because of constant exposure to the elements, however, a metal swing set will eventually need to be refinished for maintenance purposes. Here's how.

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How To Remove a Cock Ring

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:41 PM PDT

For people who would like to add excitement to their sex lives or have an erectile dysfunction, using a cock ring can be one solution. It is suggested that you know more about the advantages and disadvantages of using the different styles of cock rings before you use one. If you are a first time user or you do not use this type of sex tool often, it may be quite challenging to remove it. The steps in removing a cock ring depend on the type or style you use.

Read more about the different cock ring styles to know how to put it on and remove it. Some cock ring styles include:

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How To Remove Oil-based Paint from Carpeting

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:39 PM PDT

If you're an artist or if you're in any other profession that deals regularly with oil-based paint, you may find yourself faced with the dilemma of having to remove oil-based paint from carpeting. If this is the case, do be encouraged that there are many easy ways to deal with this problem. Read on:
1. Deal with the paint right away. As with many stains, the longer the paint stays on the carpet, the tougher it will be to remove. The time to act is as soon as the paint dripped down onto the carpet.

2. Go gentle first. The way to remove carpet stains is to apply the least amount of pressure using the gentlest cleaners first.

3. Form a barrier around the stain. This will prevent the spread of the spot to surrounding areas. Use disposable paper towels for this purpose.

4. Blot out as much of the stain as possible. Grab white paper towels or disposable rags and use them to absorb the paint.

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How To Release an Album for Free Like Radiohead

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:36 PM PDT

If you belong to a music band or are a solo independent music artist, you can actually replicate a stunt that the English alternative rock band Radiohead did way back in late 2007. Contrary to popular hype, Radiohead never released their album In Rainbows completely for free. Instead, they made it available on their website for downloading by band fans and site visitors who were given the option to pay how much the fans or visitors believed the album was worth paying for. This meant that the album had no fixed price tag attached—the minimum download price was simply $0.00, and no maximum price was set either. Radiohead was able to earn money anyway, despite releasing In Rainbows in such a manner. Radiohead was able to do it. So can you.

The following tips may help you get started.

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How To Rejuvenate Your Skin

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:34 PM PDT

Your skin is more than just an outer covering for your body. It is, more importantly, a protective covering. Healthy skin can effectively screen out harmful substances and microorganisms from entering your body and wreaking havoc. Likewise, it saves you from losing a lot of body water through evaporation. These are some of the most important reasons for you to keep your skin healthy. Healthy skin exudes a natural glow, as well. Yet, as you age, your skin can start to sag, or wrinkle, or appear dull. Such effects of aging do not necessarily mean that your skin is no longer healthy. Yet, for aesthetic purposes, you might want to preserve or bring back the vitality, freshness, and youthful look of your skin. You can do so by rejuvenating your skin.

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to rejuvenate your skin.

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How To Refinish a Teak Deck

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:28 PM PDT

Teak decks have long been favored because of their ability to withstand the elements and because of their strength. When the teak deck is first installed in your house, it is probably covered with a layer of varnish and other protectant that will keep the wood from becoming too moist and weak. With time, however, even the layer of varnish will fade away and will need to be refinished. Here's how.

Preparing the deck. First of all, you will need to remove all of the items that are attached to your teak deck. This includes the grills and the railing – if these are detachable – as well as the chairs, tables, and the decorative pots and plants that a lot of people place in their teak decks.

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How To Recover from Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:27 PM PDT

Gastric bypass surgery is performed to make the stomach smaller and the food bypass part of the small intestine to make you feel full faster, making you eat less and cause you to lose weight. This surgery is recommended for patients with a body mass index of forty and higher. Other conditions for recommending a gastric bypass surgery is when you are unable to lose weight by all possible methods and your life is being threatened by your weight.

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How To Remove an Electric Meter

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:24 PM PDT

The electric meter is the round gauge that you can find outside your house. Electric meters measure the amount of electricity you use in your household. Removing an electric meter is best left to the experts. Do not attempt to remove an electric meter by yourself, as this can be dangerous and can get your electrocuted. There are some things that you can do to in order to have your electric meter removed.

Here are the steps that you have to follow if you want to remove your electric meter:

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How To Remove Excess Weight from a Car

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:23 PM PDT

It has already been proven by car manufacturers and dealers as well as by experienced motorists that the heavier the car is, the more energy it consumes. Hence it is wise that you do something to reduce the excess weight of your car by giving it a good run-down. Here are the tips on how this can be achieved:

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How To Relight a Gas Stove Pilot Light

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:21 PM PDT

There are times that your gas stove will have to be relit. In these situations, you can have two choices. One choice is to call a professional to deal with the situation. The other is to bring out your owner's manual and relight it yourself. If you choose to relight the pilot light on your gas stove yourself, you may want to take the following steps to ensure a successful process:

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How To Relactate or Induce Lactation so You can Breastfeed

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:18 PM PDT

Breastfeeding is always the best way to feed babies. However, not all babies are lucky enough to have mothers who can produce enough milk to provide for their daily feeding requirement. Some mothers never produce any at all. Some mothers quit breastfeeding in favor of milk formulas. If you are having a hard time producing milk, you can induce lactation, which, in most cases, can actually produce milk in your breasts so that you can breastfeed. If you decide to relactate or induce lactation, you need to be extra patient because the process can take a long time.

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How To Remove a Spark Plug

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:15 PM PDT

Removing a spark plug is a do-it-yourself job. You don't have to hire an auto mechanic to do it, although you may want to look at your car manual to see the exact instructions. Nevertheless, here are detailed instructions on how to remove a spark plug.

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How To Relax Eye Muscles in Self Hypnosis

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:14 PM PDT

Living in a world where you are bombarded daily with innumerable stimuli is undoubtedly stressful. Of the many stimuli that impinge upon your five senses each day, visual stimuli create the most stress upon your eyes and their muscles. The eye muscles are victims of great stress everyday not only because of the necessity to use them daily or because of the immense amount of visual information from outside but also because of the eye muscles' susceptibility to stress. As easily as you can stress your eye muscles, so can you easily relax them. One way to relax your eye muscles is to perform self-hypnosis or autosuggestion exercises. Self-hypnosis is easy to administer and can also help you relax the other parts of your body. Read on for the steps on how to relax your eye muscles in self-hypnosis.

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How To Remove Crabgrass from Lawns

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:13 PM PDT

Crabgrass is one of the most annoying of the problems that spread through our lawns. It is a common nuisance that overwhelms most garden enthusiasts as it invades the majority of their lawns, gardens, and backyards. Considered as one of the enemy weeds, crabgrass affects a lot of agricultural crops through direct competition in acquiring moisture and nutrients from soil. Moreover, your lawn tends to look uneven because of this weed taking over the good grass that is supposed to grow on your lawn. Being as such, removal of crabgrass in your lawn is a must-do for every homeowner. The following are some helpful steps in removing crabgrass from lawns.

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How To Recognize the Symptoms of Liver Disease

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:11 PM PDT

The liver, which is located in upper right portion of the abdomen, works to remove toxins, helps in metabolism, and produces bile that aids in the digestion process. When the liver is damaged and diseased, all these functions are compromised, which can result in serious and life-threatening conditions. The most common liver diseases are hepatitis, cirrhosis, and Gilbert's syndrome. Hepatitis involves an inflamed liver and is commonly caused by virus. Cirrhosis is the formation of fibrous tissue in the liver, while Gilbert's syndrome is an abnormal buildup of bilirubin, the yellowish product of the red blood cells. While some liver diseases are genetic, others are caused by long-term intake of alcohol or drugs. Especially when the liver disease is diagnosed late, prognosis is poor. So to guarantee early detection and a better prognosis, it pays to be familiar with the symptoms of liver disease. Here they are.

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How To Recover Corrupted Mac Files

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:10 PM PDT

There are occasions wherein a Mac file becomes corrupted, such as when the operating system crashes, or the application itself crashes. Once this happens, you will get a notice that the file you are trying to open or access is corrupt and will give you the option of deleting the corrupted file or proceeding with the operation to open the file. In Mac OS X, when a file has been deleted by sending it to the trash bin and you have emptied it, the file's name and the folder will be deleted by the system. However the contents of the file are still hidden in the hard drive for a certain period and it is possible to be recovered with the use of a file recovery program written for the Mac OS.

One such program is the Mac Data Recovery software. This is a full-featured award-wining Mac data recovery program. Here are the steps on how you can recover corrupted Mac files.

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How To Remove Age Spots Surgically

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 11:48 AM PDT

Age spots are the brownish spots that appear on the face and on some parts of the body. Contrary to what most people believe, age spots do not actually come with age. These spots are caused by long exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. They may also be called sun spots. Having sun spots on your face and body may not be a pretty sight. The good news is that age spots can be removed surgically. Follow the steps provided below so that you can remove the age spots that you have on your face and body.

Here are the simple steps that you have to follow if you want to remove age spots on your face and body with surgery:

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How To Remove a Blood Stain from Any Fabric

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 11:46 AM PDT

Blood stains on any fabric, when left unattended for some time, can be hard to remove. But you should not worry because there are ways to solve this problem. Just like when you clean your bathroom of tough dirt and stains with the use of heavy duty cleaning substances, removing a blood stain from fabric also requires the use of certain chemicals to completely get rid of the unsightly mark. In addition, there are some other techniques too, that can help solve this problem.

Here are tips on how you can remove a blood stain from any fabric:

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How To Remove a CV Nut on a Car

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 11:43 AM PDT

Cars need to regularly be maintained and depending on its use, expenses for repairs may be costly. You can significantly cut costs if you learn some troubleshooting techniques yourself.

If your car's ball joint gets worn out, you can save time, money and the trouble of taking your car to a professional mechanic, if you are able to replace it yourself. With a little patience and the right tools, you would be able to complete the job in a day. But to replace your car's ball joint, you would need to remove the CV nut first.

Though replacing a CV (constant velocity) nut can be a challenging, you can easily learn the steps on your own or for free from a professional mechanic. To remove a car CV nut when changing a ball joint on your front wheel drive, consider these tips:

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