Monday, April 26, 2010

How to Opt out of Facebook's Open Graph Personalization

How to Opt out of Facebook's Open Graph Personalization

How to Opt out of Facebook's Open Graph Personalization


On April 21, 2010 Facebook introduced social plug-ins based on the Facebook Open Graph platform. This means a few things:

  • If you click one of their "like" buttons anywhere on the Web, that'll automatically get published on your wall.
  • When your friends "like" something, they will see if you "liked" it too.
  • When you visit certain websites, a personalized version will automatically be presented to you, rather than what is presented to the general public.
All of these changes are intended to make your Internet experience more social, but if you're concerned about your privacy, here's how to stop these changes from affecting you.



  1. Log out of Facebook whenever you're done using it. This will prevent Facebook from affecting the way you see the rest of the Internet. A more effective, but more radical method would be to permanently Quit Facebook altogether.

Your Likes

  1. Hide your "likes". Select "Account", then "Privacy Settings" then to "Profile Information".

    In the dropdown menu, choose "Customize". From "These People" dropdown menu, choose "Only Me".

    For an extra measure of privacy, edit your profile and erase all of your likes and interests, so they can't be "connected" to other pages on Facebook. If you want, move that kind of information to the "About Me" section.

Instant Personalization

  1. On Facebook, select "Account", then go to your "Privacy Settings" then to "Applications and Websites" . Uncheck the "Instant Personalization" box at the bottom.

  2. Confirm your decision. The note will say "Allowing instant personalization will give you a richer experience as you browse the web. If you opt-out, you will have to manually activate these experiences. Please keep in mind that if you opt out, your friends may still share public Facebook information about you to personalize their experience on these partner sites unless you block the application." To prevent your friends from sharing information about you, continue to the next steps.
  3. Go back to "Applications and Websites" under "Privacy Settings". Edit your settings for the "What your friends can share about you." Uncheck every box and save.

  4. Block individual applications. You will have to visit each application and block it individually. Currently, there are three, but as more are added you will need to manually block those, too. Visit the following app pages, click on "Block Application" and confirm.



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How to Make Green Tea Bath Bombs


Green tea is delicious to drink; it is also excellent to bathe in. Put a little green spritz into your next bath!

This recipe will net you around 6 - 8 average-sized bath bombs, making this an excellent gift activity that will both pamper you and leave you with gifts left to share!

Difficulty: Easy


  • 1 1/4 cups baking soda (also known as bicarbonate of soda)
  • 1/2 cup citric acid (usually found in the baking aisle)
  • 2 tbsp apricot kernel oil or jojoba oil
  • 1/2 tbsp water
  • 4 - 6 drops green soap coloring (if wished); or just leave plain and the tea leaves will feature
  • 2 tbsp green tea leaves


  1. Mix the dry ingredients together but leave out the tea leaves for now. Use a large ceramic mixing bowl. Combine well.
  2. Pour the oil into the mixture and stir until it makes the entire mixture moist. Once mixed in, add the fragrance and stir through. If more oil is needed, judge as you mix; you will know if the mixture crumbles rather than sticks together.
  3. Add the boiling water to the green tea leaves to revive them and have them stretch to full size (this helps the end look). Once they are moist, toss in with the bath bomb mixture.
  4. Create the bath bomb shape. Do this by rolling in your hands until a small ball shape is formed. It is possible to purchase bath bomb molds but these are not really necessary and they are just more plastic that the environment can do without.
  5. Place each bath bomb onto a sheet of parchment (baking paper) or wax paper on a flat surface. Put this somewhere that you can leave undisturbed while the bath bombs dry out. Depending on the humidity, this can take up to a week. If you have very high humidity, consider hastening the drying process using a very low oven setting for a few hours.
  6. Use or gift. If you intend using it, add one per bath, unless you have an enormous bath and then two might be best. For gifts, wrap each ball in clear cellophane and tie with raffia. Make a neat bow and add a small card listing the ingredients and instructions for use. It can be neat to add a green tea bag for having after the bath too.


  • Water will also help the bath bomb stick together better if you notice it is crumbling during creation.


  • Green tea is benign for most people, and so are the other ingredients. As always, however, wash hands after making any beauty products to avoid accidentally rubbing anything into your eyes and dirtying your clothing and know your own allergy issues.

Things You'll Need

  • Ceramic mixing bowl
  • Baking paper/parchment paper or wax paper
  • Wrapping cellophane and ribbon or raffia; use leftover materials where possible

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How to Understand Dyslexia


Dyslexia is a neurological learning disability (LD) that affects many aspects of life such as reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, and general academics. Children with dyslexia are mislabeled as 'lazy' because of their lack of performance in school and in life. In contrast to this misconception, a large percentage of dyslexics have an above average IQ. To put it in layman's terms, a glitch in their brain makes them unable to access the 'word analyzer' and other parts of the brain. If you don't know much about dyslexia, here is a primer.


  1. Do not assume that a person with dyslexia is just someone who is behind in reading, writing and spelling. The latter can be caused by a variety of factors that are not neurological, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction. Dyslexia is caused by an impairment in the brain's ability to translate images received from the eyes or ears into understandable language.
  2. Try to imagine the world from a dyslexic person's point of view. A person with dyslexia has trouble seeing letters or words in the intended organization, remembering the order of the words or letters, or processing the words or letters in their correct order, shape, and direction. Here are some things a dyslexic person may experience:

    • see some letters as backwards or upside down
    • see text appearing to jump around on a page
    • not able to tell the difference between letters that look similar in shape such as (o), (e), (c), (8) and (3)
    • not able to tell the difference between letters that have similar shape but different orientation, appearing as if in a mirror, like (db bd) and (qp pq)
    • see the letters fine, but not able to sound out words -- that is, not be able to connect the letters to the sounds they make and understand them
    • able to connect the letters and sound out words, but not able to recognize words they have seen before, no matter how many times they see them -- each time they would have to start fresh
    • able to read the word properly but not able to make sense of or remember what they read, so that they find themselves coming back to read the same passage over and over again
    • the letters might look all jumbled up and out of order
    • the letters and words might look all bunched together
    • the letters of some words might appear completely backwards, such as the word "bird" looking like "brid"
    • the letters and words might look normal, but the dyslexic person might get a severe headache or feel sick to their stomach every time they try to read for prolonged hours
  3. Know how dyslexia is diagnosed. The Dyslexia Determination Test (DDT) is used to investigate specific aspects of language problems and differentiates the child who demonstrates dyslexic tendencies from the individual who is merely behind in reading, writing and spelling due to causes other than a dyslexic pattern. A child must be reading (at least) at a second grade level for the test to be valid. Dyslexia can also be identified genetically. A test can reveal the presence of the DCDC2 Gene now known to be linked to dyslexia (a simple cotton swab is used).
  4. Avoid confusing dyslexia with developmental disorders such as mental retardation (MR) or autism. MR is generally characterized by low IQ[1] while people with dyslexia usually have average or above average IQ.[2] Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.[3] These are not characteristics associated with dyslexia.
  5. Know the different kinds of dyslexia: 'dysphonetic', 'dyseidetic' and dysphoneidetic. Dysphonetic dyslexia is also known as Auditory Dyslexia because the person labeled 'dysphonetic' has difficulty connecting sounds to symbols, and might have a hard time sounding out words, and spelling mistakes would show a very poor grasp of phonics, while the 'dyseidetic' individual, on the other hand, generally has a good grasp of phonetic concepts, but great difficulty with whole word recognition and spelling. This type of dyslexia is also sometimes called "surface dyslexia" or "visual dyslexia." If a child can't read (decode)and spell (encode)words either eidetically or phonetically, this is known as Mixed Dyslexia or Dysphoneidetic Dyslexia. This is the severest form of dyslexia because it involves both types of coding functions.


  • The greater collection of symptoms of dyslexia is called "Word Blindness" which is an old-fashioned term used to mean that a person is unable to recognize and understand words that they see. This was the term used to describe dyslexia when it was first described by doctors about one hundred years ago. It is sometimes still used to describe the symptoms of a person who cannot remember the order and sequence of letters in a word from one time to the next. That is, even after intensive study and drill, the student is unable to recognize the word.
  • Parents can find out if they or their children carry the hereditary traits of dyslexia in the same way as a paternity test. Use a QIAamp Kit done at home with a prescription given under the orders of a genetics specialist. Saliva will provide all the DNA to test for DCDC2 in chromosome 6 and 15 as linked to the FGFR3 gene helix mutative gene (see Sources and Citations research into dyslexia).
  • Dyslexia can also make mathematics, especially the algebraic forms, an especially difficult challenge. This type of dyslexia is known as Dyscalculia, which is defined as the inability to calculate equations due to poor mental math and memory skills. Signs of dyscalculia in adulthood would include:

    • Poor mental math, difficulty handling money, making change
    • Fails to notice math signs and symbols (+ = - x )
    • Can get problems right, but doesn't understand why, so can't transfer the knowledge to new problems
    • Doesn't remember the basic math operations like addition and multiplication tables
    • Poor sense of direction, trouble reading maps, telling time, understanding schedules
    • Mistakes in working with numbers - reversals, substituting other numbers and leaving numbers out
    • Trouble learning musical concepts or following directions in sports.
  • Problems with math can be due to other factors, however, which make dyscalculia hard to diagnose:

    • Lack of experience and background knowledge in math
    • Math instruction in the past has not matched the learner's learning style
    • Lack of motivation, lackadaisical (non caring) attitude
    • Below average intelligence
    • Math anxiety
    • Doesn't see mathematics as useful
    • Non-mathematical learning disabilities

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