Sunday, April 25, 2010

How To Display a Pottery Collection

How To Display a Pottery Collection

How To Display a Pottery Collection

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:59 PM PDT

A collection is generally considered to be three or more items that relate in some way, be it by artist, style or time period. Some people may want to preserve their pottery collection by storing it, however, a lot of the enjoyment of having a collection comes from being able to see and appreciate the pieces. How you display your pottery collection is a matter of personal preference.

First, you need to decide if the items will all be kept together and displayed as a group, or if they will be spread out. If it is a collection from a specific artist or a specific period, then they should be kept together. The collector with many different of types collections could devote each room to a different artist, period or style.

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How To Discover the Possible Cause of Your Hypoglycemia

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:58 PM PDT

Hypoglycemia occurs when your body's insulin level is too high. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas, it regulates the metabolism of glucose in your body. If your body produces too much insulin you will start to feel lightheaded, become pale, clammy, irritable and shaky. Your thought processes are also affected, which may cause you to have trouble speaking or thinking clearly. If allowed to go on, this can quickly lead to a very serious situation known as insulin shock. If you don't eat something quickly (a glass of orange juice and a piece of cheese works for many people) it is possible to lose consciousness and fall into a coma.

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How To Discourage Temper Tantrums

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:55 PM PDT

Most people walking through a supermarket or sitting at a restaurant hear a child throwing a temper tantrum and swear up and down that when they have children that will never happen to them. The reality is that every child likes to test boundaries and, if the parents do not handle these situations properly, will end up being just like those squealing children in the store. It is important to nip that issue in the bud and not let your child get to the point of throwing tantrums, whether in public or at home.

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How To Display a Marble Collection

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:53 PM PDT

Collecting marbles is something that most likely started when you were young, but perhaps you are just discovering the wonderful world of marbles. Those tiny balls of glass are irresistibly attractive. It started out with a handful that you were proud of and maybe even played with, but it eventually continued to expand until you had a serious collection growing. Now it's gotten out of hand and you don't know what you're going to do with them. Well, here are some marble collection storage and display ideas ranging from practical to the unique, which can also make great conversational pieces for your home.

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How To Discourage Someone From Asking You Out

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:52 PM PDT

If you are a nice person it is quite common for people to get the wrong impression and think that you and that person should become a couple. Equally common across genders, people are using simple techniques to prevent someone from asking you out. Follow these steps to discourage someone from asking you out.

Humans can discourage relations by utilizing Negative Body Language. Use these classic signs.

Step 1. Signal anxiety through tightening your muscles.
Step 2. Signal opposition using hunched shoulders.
Step 3. Signal Lack of interest through folding your arms across your chest.
Step 4. Avoid physical contact, even hugging or lightly touching on the arm.

Prevent getting asked out by utilizing the power of what you do and do not communicate.

Step 5. Don't laugh. When someone is interested in a potential partner they will typically laugh at almost everything they say.

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How To Display a Book Collection

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:50 PM PDT

There are many different ways to display your book collection, so it basically comes down to personal preference.

How to display a book collection will depend on many different things including how many books you have, how much space you have, how valuable they are and how they are used. They can be stacked horizontally, lined-up vertically or face-out with the cover on display. The most visually interesting will be a mixture of the three. The books can be mixed in with other items like photographs, vases or display items.

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How To Disinfect Your Phone at Work

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:49 PM PDT

One of the most common ways that germs and bacteria are passed along at the workplace are through the receiver and mouthpiece of a telephone that is shared by one or more individuals. During cold and flu season, germs can linger on the phone mouthpiece and receiver for several days, and if one infected person uses that phone, anyone else who touches the equipment with their hands or lips can also become infected. So it's important to know how to effectively disinfect your phone at work on a regular basis in order to avoid catching other people's germs and winding up on the sick list.

Simple household bleach mixed with water makes an inexpensive disinfectant solution for cleaning your phone. Mix two tablespoons of bleach with 8 ounces warm water and place in a spray bottle. It's a good idea to unplug the phone each time you do the disinfecting process.

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How To Disinfect Gardening Tools

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:48 PM PDT

When your hands get dirty you clean them right? You either go wash them in the sink with soap and water or use antibacterial spray. Not many people know this but you should use the same sanitary practice on your garden tools. They get just as dirty as your hands yet you don't think to clean them. You wonder why your garden is dying or why your plants aren't sprouting like they should, but its because you are contaminating their soil with dirty garden tools. Follow this guide to clean your garden tools before you pull them out and use them again.

You might be wondering what you would use to disinfect your garden tools. Bleach is a perfect solution to that question. Grab a bucket and fill it a quarter of the way full with bleach and then fill the rest of the bucket up with water. Thoroughly mix the water and bleach together before you begin. If you have really sensitive skin then you will want to wear gloves to protect your hands.

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How To Dispute a Collection Account

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:46 PM PDT

Everyone knows that your credit score and credit rating can determine many things in your life. The ability to receive a loan, establish credit, rent an apartment or even get a job can be determined off of this fateful number. So what do you do if you have a collection account that is ruining your credit score? You dispute the claim.

There are a few steps you must take to dispute a collection account. Before you begin you should print up a copy of your credit report from each of the three reporting agencies. You can do this once a year for free by visiting

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How To Diagnose Cytomegalovirus

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:45 PM PDT

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a double-stranded DNA virus that belongs to the large family of herpes viruses. Cytomegalovirus infection can occur through sexual contact, kissing, the placenta, breastfeeding, blood transfusions, organ transplants, and bone marrow transplants. As with most herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus has adapted numerous strategies to avoid attack by our immune systems. Even though effective treatments are available, there is no cure.

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How To Diagnose Common Alignment Problems

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:44 PM PDT

Your vehicle's wheel alignment can easily become unaligned. If you are driving on rough roads, gravel roads or even simply hit a curb or a pothole your car can become misaligned. A vehicle that has an alignment issue will cause more problems and cost more money than it would be to check the alignment regularly and having it corrected. You, yourself cannot correct the alignment issue but many auto shops have the ability to, some even offer free alignments if you have a service done.

Diagnosing alignment problems can be as simple as driving your car. If you are noticing that your vehicle wants to pull to the left or right while you are driving then an alignment problem should be suspected. You should be able to hold your wheel straight and have your vehicle drive straight without it wanting to wander and you having to compensate.

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How To Recognize "Red Flags" Early in a Relationship

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:42 PM PDT

Ever heard the old saying that he'll treat you the way he treats his mother? It's not just an old wives tale, its fact. There are several factors that go into recognizing red flags early in a relationship. After all, none of us want to waste our time on a lemon and there's not a lot of lemonade to be made from a soured relationship.

Does he communicate with you? Perhaps the biggest thing for you to consider is that your future relationship depends on the ability to communicate. If you fight all the time, or your significant other is easily upset, consider that a red flag. The beginning stages of a relationship are euphoric and if you're seeing the signs early indicate that things will only get worse. Communication is the key to anything worthwhile and if he shuts you out or walks away, consider doing the same.

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How To Disprove a Slander Claim

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:37 PM PDT

The free speech afforded citizens by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is a wonderful right, but if you say something that could be considered harmful or malicious about another person in the presence of a third party, you could find yourself on the wrong end of a slander claim that you will have to defend in court.

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How To Dispose of Trash while Hiking

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:35 PM PDT

When hiking in the forest, mountains or woods it is very important to ensure that you do not spoil nature with your trash and debris. There are some simple steps to keep in mind when you dispose of trash while hiking. This article will discuss these so that you will be better prepared to enjoy your next trek through the woods.

First, as often as possible pack things on your hike that do not contain any portion that will need to be disposed of. Take snack items that do not need a container such as fruit. Take water in a thermos that is reusable. Do not pack a lot of unnecessary items that will only create more trash. By doing this you will have less trash to dispose of on your hike.

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How To Dispose of Your Romantic Baggage!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:34 PM PDT

The disposal of romantic baggage is similar to the disposal of crumpled wrapping paper from a beautiful gift or "cookies" on the computer. Both are examples of " trash" or remnants that remain after an experience that require disposal. "Housecleaning" prevents clutter and enables the person and the computer to function expeditiously and effectively. The best of both are salvaged and remaining debris is discarded. The steps in discarding romantic baggage are identification, separation, contemplation, forgiveness, manipulation or modification, and finally eradication.

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How To Dispose of Food Waste when Camping

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:33 PM PDT

Most camp sites have designated areas for waste disposal and rules for recycling. You should research the camp site chosen to easily locate the recycling receptacles. Here are some tips to help out with the disposal of food waste when camping:

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How To Diagnose Fanconi Anemia

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:32 PM PDT

Fanconi Anemia (FA) is a hereditary disorder. This means people who have fanconi anemia are born with it. People who have the disease are usually diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 16. FA is a blood disease. It will not allow bone marrow to make enough new blood cells, therefore keeping the body from functioning properly. This disease is a condition that can affect any race, but a person's age plays a huge part in diagnosing the disease. If a parent suspect their child has fanconi disease there are steps that need to be taken to have it properly diagnosed.

The first thing is to make an appointment with a physician to discuss your concerns. Write down any symptoms, or any other information that may be important about your child's condition. Your medical provider will want to know your complete family history. Individuals may ask if there have been in growth abnormalities, or bone marrow conditions in your family.

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How To Dispose of Fireplace Ashes

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:31 PM PDT

There are many reasons to enjoy a roaring fire, whether its for the warmth, beauty or ambiance. Just like with anything you enjoy you have to do the un-enjoyable thing and clean up afterwards. It's ok to leave a small amount of ash in your fireplace. When the ash continues to build and is so high that you can barely set the log in your fireplace that's when you have to clean it out.

Once you have cleaned out your fireplace and have rid it of all that ash, what do you do with it? Many people just throw it away. They use a shovel and clean out the fireplace and throw the ashes into a garbage bag. Instead of just throwing it away why not recycle and reuse it? There are many different options and ways that you can recycle fireplace ashes.

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How To Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue in Children

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:28 PM PDT

Adrenal fatigue in children presents varying symptoms. Some of the symptoms of the childhood onset of adrenal fatigue are headaches - particularly migraine headaches, inability to wake easily in the morning, irritability, inability to handle a normal amount of exercise without getting overtired, and inability to think clearly or concentrate. Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue in children include inability to go to sleep at night at a reasonable bedtime hour, dizziness and lightheadedness when moving from a prone or sitting position to standing up, numbness in and cold feeling extremities, sensitivity to noise and temperature extremes, and digestive upset.

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How To Deworm Heifers and Bulls

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:27 PM PDT

As temperatures rise and pastures thaw, the larvae of worms, which include roundworms, tapeworms and flukes, begin to position themselves so that cattle will consume them. Once consumed, the larvae will penetrate the intestinal tissue of the cow where they will mature and lay eggs of their own. The peak time for these larvae is mid-summer. Different age groups and herds on various pasture management systems can prove more susceptible than others to parasites, giving rise to a variety of methods to prevent or lessen the risk of contamination.

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How To Diagnose a Chemical Pregnancy

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:24 PM PDT

It is important to understand what a chemical pregnancy is before trying to diagnose it. A chemical pregnancy is an early miscarriage. A woman will actually show a positive pregnancy reading before her menstrual cycle is due. However, the miscarriage will occur before a fetal heartbeat will be discovered.

Normally, a woman would not know about her pregnancy, but because of the new advanced pregnancy test available, it make testing before the menstrual cycle very easy. Most of these pregnancies terminate on their own because of abnormalities with the fetus. There are other problems that a woman may not be familiar with within her body. A symptom of a miscarriage could be the discovery of light bleeding shortly after a positive pregnancy test reading. A woman who suspects she is having a miscarriage should seek out the advice of her medical provider.

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How To Deworm a Pregnant Dog

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:23 PM PDT

If you have a pregnant dog then you need to keep her as healthy as possible. The mom's health will determine the health of the unborn puppies. You should make sure and feed your pregnant dog a healthy diet, make sure she is getting plenty of exercise and also that she has been dewormed. It used to not be safe to deworm pregnant dogs, but with the advancement in medicine those days are behind us. Now to ensure healthy puppies you want to be sure and deworm the pregnant dog.

If you don't have a family vet that you already use then you'll want to find one that you trust and feel comfortable around your pet. Once you have chosen a vet to use discuss with him which dewormers are safe for pregnant dogs and when you should administer it. Typically the pregnant female dog is dewormed around the 40th day of the pregnancy and then again once the puppies have been born.

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How To Diversify a Commodities Portfolio

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:22 PM PDT

A portfolio is diversified in order to maximize returns and minimize risk. In order to diversify a commodities portfolio, one must understand the relationships among commodities. It's also possible to diversify a commodities portfolio by buying or selling different investment instruments of the same commodity. Further diversification can be accomplished by buying and selling options, or futures in a spread on the same commodity with different prices, or expiration dates.

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How To Distill Hibiscus

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:20 PM PDT

Hibiscus is a tropical flower that is very prized when distilled as an oil that has many therapeutic and health benefits. To get the best quality hibiscus oil, you can easily learn how to distill hibiscus yourself using fresh flowers and a device called a distiller or still.

Gather freshly harvested hibiscus blossoms just before you are ready to begin your distilling project. Purchase a distiller unit designed to extract the essential oils from the flowers by using steam created from distilled water and condensing it into a separate container.

Place your plant blossoms into the mesh grate provided and then fill the distiller with room temperature clean distilled water. The water level in the distiller will come right up under the flowers without actually touching or submersing them in liquid. Do not cut, twist or separate the hibiscus blossoms and pack them tightly into the grate for best results.

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How To Dissolve a Business

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:18 PM PDT

Dissolving a business refers to the process of terminating the business operations. To dissolve a business, it is advisable that you consult legal counsel although you can also do this informally without the indulgence of a lawyer, which exposes the owners of the business to lawsuits and liability. The process of dissolving the business includes:

The first step to dissolve a business is to get formal written permission from all the stakeholders of the business before you submit a proposal for its dissolution with the relevant ministry in the government.

Secondly, you have to contact the government's representative of each region that the business was in operation. At this point, you will have to get the forms that are needed in order to file an official Certificate of Dissolution with the government.

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