Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Avoid Ending Up with a Problem Child

How To Avoid Ending Up with a Problem Child

How To Avoid Ending Up with a Problem Child

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:14 PM PDT

Any parent would always want what's best for their child. But parenting has many challenges in upbringing your child. One of the challenges in child upbringing is the thought of rearing a problem child. Here are some key points that you should take note of for you to avoid having a problem child.

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How To Avoid Eating Junk Food while Watching TV

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:11 PM PDT

For those not particular with their diet, junk foods have been a part of total relaxation while watching TV. This habit has always been passed on from generation to generation due to the mindset that munching on something while watching TV can make you enjoy the activity much better. TV and junk foods have similar characteristics. They are both fun and can definitely give you some comfort. The feeling of eating more escalates when you are focused on a particular show. This can lead to a very unhealthy lifestyle due to the accumulation of processed food in your system. Here are some thoughts on how you can efficiently avoid eating junk foods even while watching TV.

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How To Avoid Dumping Syndrome after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:10 PM PDT

Dumping syndrome is one of the major problems encountered after a gastric bypass surgery. It is a condition wherein a patient, who has undergone gastric bypass surgery, ingests food, and the food which is largely undigested passes rapidly, bypassing the stomach into the small intestine.

The Pyloric valve which is part of the first process in digestion has been bypassed. In a normal digestion process, this valve regulates the food passage from stomach to the small intestines and this is no longer present after surgery. This system then tends to make the patient nauseous, experience cramping and sweating profusely. It also leads to diarrhea, vomiting and even increase in heart palpitations.

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How To Avoid Dry Skin During Winter Months

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:08 PM PDT

When the air is dry, it doesn't hold moisture. This is a condition that goes hand in hand with winter season. The cold air during winter months sucks the moisture out of our body. Our skin becomes itchy, flaky and even worse you have to deal with painful cracked skin. Since winter is seasonal, you only really need to prepare once it comes around the corner. Here are great tips you should live by to avoid dry skin during the winter months.

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How To Avoid Doing Your Roommates Dishes

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:07 PM PDT

For people who are off to college, relocation due to a career move or saving money on rent and utility bills are just a few reasons why we have to live with other people a.k.a. roommates in one roof. But sometimes this idea can be annoying especially when it comes to household chores; washing dishes being one of them. It has become a natural instinct to leave the dishes in the sink for people who are very busy with their work, doing double work shifts, or even preparing for exams. Doing the dishes is definitely not their top priority or more so, some people are really slobs and don't know how to clean up. Since you don't want to clean it up yourself, then here are some tips to make sure your bunk buddies do their job.

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How To Avoid Home Daycare Business Costly Mistakes

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:06 PM PDT

Modern life has made babysitting and daycare services essential to raising a family. As career-driven parents cannot spend all day taking care of their children, they hire the services of daycare specialists.

Daycare businesses are easy to set up and maintain. All you need is a safe, fun environment for learning and a genuine love for children. Keep these in mind and you will make a daycare that is profitable for you and at the same time enjoyable for the kids and their parents.

Keep in mind that while daycare may be fun and enjoyable, you are still running a business so make sure that you are covered the way regular businesses are. Here are a few proactive tips that may save you from the hassle and costs of litigation.

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How To Avoid Homeowner Deed Scams

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:04 PM PDT

Homeowner deed scams have become prevalent over the past few years. These scams take advantage of the bureaucracy to swindle legal homeowners of their property. The scams involve authentic-looking falsified documents that make it appear that you do not own your home. When you fall victim to these scams, you are in danger of losing your own home or losing a lot of time and money ironing out the problem.

Here are two of the most common scams and their modus operandi and the best way to avoid falling into their tricks.

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How To Avoid Hair Loss

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:03 PM PDT

Every day you comb it, gel it, style it and do just about everything to make it look neat and very appealing. Your hair is a very important part of one's daily routine. Much importance is given to it because it also constitutes a large amount of attention that you get each day. If you have good hair, you will get good impressions. If you have bad hair, the untidy and unkempt type, you will definitely get bad impressions.

Studies say about 95 per cent of hair loss is because of genetics. But there are other reasons that come into play as well like nutrition, overall health, hormone deficiencies, extreme hair stress and emotional stress as well. Hair loss is not a losing battle though. There are ways to combat it.

To prevent hair loss, here are some of the things that you will need: deep conditioner, shampoo for body-building, protein based shampoos,  hair replacement therapy, moisturizing shampoo, and hairbrush.

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How To Avoid Harmful Weight Loss Products

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:01 PM PDT

Do you have a flabby waist? Muffin belly? Love handles? Lose them all with this new revolutionary product available through this special offer. Most Americans who are aware and conscious of their weight have heard this promise more than a thousand times. Each promise gets them deeper and deeper into their wish, their dream to be at their ideal weight. These sellers will say anything to make their product go from their shelves to your home. It is their business after all.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has posted a warning about weight loss products that are harmful to the human being. Many are not aware that contaminated weight loss products are still sold over stores and through the Internet. FDA has identified 28 products. But there are still untested weight loss products that are still in the market. Protect yourself, your family, and friends. Read on and learn how to detect and avoid weight loss products with harmful drugs and chemicals.

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How To Avoid Going to a Nursing Home

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:00 PM PDT

On the outside they say, a nursing home is the ideal place to spend the remaining days of an old person's life. One will never be alone there. They are taken well care of. They even have sprawling space of well-done gardens complete with lush trees and bushes of paradise. The reflection pools and soft chirping of birds name it they will say it to convince sons, daughters and as well as senior citizens.
The sad truth is, the good things greatly outweighs the reality of that resides in nursing homes. To old people, nursing home is a gulag. They are afraid of the structure and the bars that keep them enclosed. It hinders them from enjoying the rest of their days. This has cause the rise in keeping the elderly at home.

Here are simple things that you can do to make a house senior citizen friendly.

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How To Avoid Libel

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:58 PM PDT

Defamation is the generic legal term for any communicative act that makes false claims or false statements that are harmful or injurious to another person.  When the defamation is done using the spoken word, it is called slander.  When the defamation happens in written communications, it is called libel.

So many lawsuits have been filed for slander and libel.  These two are pretty common in politics, as they are in show business.  Does this mean that only popular figures and well-known personalities can file a suit against slanderous tongues and libelous pens?  Not necessarily.  Each citizen--whether a public figure or not--is protected against any malicious or injurious statements made by another citizen.

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How To Avoid Keyboard Fatigue

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:55 PM PDT

Typing on the keyboard for long hours non-stop everyday can eventually make your fingers, hands, and wrists extremely tired.  Not only that, sitting in front of a computer for long stretches of time can also lead to back pain and fatigue.  Keyboard fatigue is a condition characterized by pain in certain areas of your body, especially the fingers, hands, wrists, and your back.  The pain can throb and sometimes feel like cramps.

Almost always, the cure or remedy for keyboard fatigue is plain and simple rest.  But, if your keyboard typing posture and habits remain the same, you will eventually encounter it again.  Is there a way to avoid keyboard fatigue?  Read on for some ideas.

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How To Avoid Junk Food Cravings

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:54 PM PDT

There are certain things in life that become bad for you if you take in too much.  The sad truth is that these things are often difficult to resist and are very tempting. Craving for junk food is what most people suffer from, despite the world-wide knowledge of its effects to your health.  Carbonated drinks, candies, chocolate, potato chips, and so on are undeniably yummy but also undeniably unhealthy. Different books have already been published talking about living and eating healthy, and have given advice on proper dieting and techniques for losing weight, etc.  All of those books, without a doubt, include "no junk food" or "less junk food" as part of the golden rule.  But, doing it is easier said than done. If you want to avoid junk food, here are some tips on how to ease your cravings for it.

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How To Avoid Iron Palm Dangers

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:52 PM PDT

Iron palm is a technique used in Chinese martial arts. It is also known as the iron hand technique and falls under the striking group of martial arts. This technique is considered Kung Fu's "hidden art" and is even famed for being extremely lethal despite the absence of the use of a mechanical weapon. Also, this involves doing meditations. There is not only one but many other several types of the iron palm technique.

Martial arts can be fatal and dangerous if you are not careful enough. The same thing can be said regarding the iron palm technique. The iron palm technique mainly involves conditioning the hands. This conditioning is done until the hands are then already callused and desensitized. If the hands are already in this state, then you would already be able to strike blows even on hard surfaces without your being able to feel any pain that may come with the strikes or blows.

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How To Avoid Investing in Foreclosure Scams

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:50 PM PDT

Foreclosure might not be something new and unfamiliar. This was one of the highlighted disasters that started the domino-effect of the financial crisis. In this scheme, a property is forcibly taken away from its owner as payment to due debts that the owner cannot, in any way, pay.

During the height of the crisis, immediate solutions were sought. People nearing foreclosure were so desperate and vulnerable at the same time. They tried everything to regain their resources or prevent further loss of property. On the other end, scammers were alert in seeing the opportunity handed in to them. They saw that quick cash can be made in pretending to offer help to people but actually amassing what's left of them. These scams can take many forms.  Read on to discover more about how you can avoid such scams.

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How To Avoid Internet Chat Addiction

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:48 PM PDT

Ever since the Internet started booming many years ago, people also acquired new addictions related to the new technology.  The Internet opened many communication avenues that were heretofore unavailable to many people.  One such communication channel is online chatting, which commonly comes in the form of instant messaging, audio-video conversations, and real-time chatrooms.  Many people have developed a strong attachment to online chatting.  Some are not addicted to the act of chatting itself but to their motivations or intentions for doing so.  For example, some are addicted to the pursuit of one-night stands and casual sex encounters.  Others become addicted to meeting new faces and potential dates.

Addiction to online chatting can be very time-consuming.  So many people who have succumbed to this addiction have admitted losing sleep just to chat online until the wee hours of the night.

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How To Avoid Infidelity in Relationships

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:45 PM PDT

One of the chief causes of relationship failure and breakdown is infidelity--both the sexual and the emotional types.  Infidelity causes a couple to drift apart instead of becoming closer to each other and more intimate.  Infidelity can be very treacherous and deceitful.  Happy couples often find themselves shocked to discover that one of or both partners are having unfaithful relationships with another person.  Couples who have weak communication tend to become more prone to infidelity.  A person who also is dishonest with himself or herself tends to give in to the temptation of having an affair.

Although infidelity may be unpredictable in almost all cases, you can guard yourself against it.  Here are some tips on how to avoid becoming unfaithful to your partner.

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How To Avoid Drug Interactions

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:44 PM PDT

When our body reacts to something resulting in pain at a specified area of our body, we instinctively resort to taking a pill that will provide instant pain relief. Most of us would think that this is as natural as when you're thirsty, you quench your thirst by drinking water. But not all medicines or pills react to our body as we expect. Drug interaction and conflicts may occur in our body when your current intake of a particular drug interferes with another drug, supplement, or food causing an adverse drug reaction or ADR. Adverse drug reactions may range to mild to severe which can potentially cause serious injury and even death. Take note of these steps to minimize or avoid drug interactions.

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How To Avoid Divorce in a Second Marriage

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:42 PM PDT

Getting married for the first time is a life changing experience for anyone and so is divorce. No one ever gets married with the intention of getting a divorce. So on your second chance in marriage, make sure to learn from your first experience and follow these tips to ensure that it will at least last longer than your first marriage.

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How To Avoid Detergent Stains on Laundry

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:41 PM PDT

If you are wondering where you got the stain that ruined your favorite shirt or dress when all you really remember is dumping it in the laundry, then like most people, you are now dumbfounded. If you're having a hard time tracking your activities that might lead you to the culprit or you are wondering why your clothes have stains after it has been washed, then it is most likely caused by your detergent. A stain that looks clear and opaque that is similar to grease on a shirt or blue spots are the common fabric stains caused by detergent. When you see these types of stains you feel betrayed because you expect that your detergent is supposed to help you get rid of the stains and not get them. So to spare your clothes from these types of stains, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

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How To Avoid Depression while on Dialysis

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:39 PM PDT

Kidney disease is always a bummer. This condition can lead to death if not treated immediately since it screws up every internal process in the body. The only treatment would be to either get an extremely expensive kidney transplant or to be on regular dialysis that lets a machine filter the junk that your kidney fails to do. While dialysis is a safe and cost-manageable option that can lengthen your life to a certain extent, being diagnosed with the disease can really take a toll on a person mentally and emotionally as well. Normally, a person that is on dialysis will exhibit symptoms linked to depression such as hopelessness, sadness, and drastic mood shifts. Depression will come along with other undesirable effects such as reduction of appetite and decreased libido levels.

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How To Avoid Decompression Sickness

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:37 PM PDT

The "bends" or decompression sickness is a very serious condition that can really be a regular risk for people that frequently go or have just experienced scuba diving. This condition is sorely due to the high nitrogen accumulation in a person's body. The condition is normally accompanied with severe pain and may even lead to death. Every time you dive, you will be risking your life with this sickness, which is why it is critically important to follow these tips in order to reduce and avoid contracting it.

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How To Avoid Fruit Flies Naturally

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:36 PM PDT

There is nothing more annoying than a swarm of fruit flies spoiling your food and ruining your appetite. Not only are they unsanitary, they could also be dangerous to your health, as these flies spread germs and diseases by flitting from one area to another. Once they start multiplying, fruit flies are really difficult to get rid of. You could try spraying insecticide, but the insecticide's chemicals might do more harm for you than good, especially if you're using it in your kitchen, where most fruit flies like to congregate. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat a fruit fly infestation the natural way. Here are some methods.

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How To Avoid Fleas on Cats

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:30 PM PDT

Owning a cat is fun, they can be very cuddly and they're generally easy to take care of. Unfortunately, you may not know that fleas on cats may put your cat at risk. Other pets that get flea-ridden, like dogs, have products available in the market that will get rid of fleas by preventing these ticks from attaching itself to the animal. Cats cannot use the same treatment because they are more sensitive to some chemicals found in anti-flea products. They may even die from using dog flea powder or medicine. So what's a cat owner to do? The answer lies in using preventative measure to make sure that your pet kitty gets minimal exposure to fleas. Here are some steps to keep your cat flea-free.

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How To Avoid Fast Food on a Road Trip

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 06:29 PM PDT

Let's face it, when going on a road trip, chances are, your default snack will come from the fast food outlets dotted along the open roads. These fast food meals may be delicious at first bite, but soon, you're going to get pretty sick of the greasy food – the soggy French fries, the oily burgers and the obesity-inducing sodas. Fortunately, fast food isn't your only choice when going on a long road trip. You only need some quick preparations before your trip to be able to achieve a healthier, yummier road trip! Here's how.

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